Los Angeles Nannies

Get a contract.

this protects both you and the family and clearly outlines what is expected of you.  There are uncomfortable topics of discussion in every role in every industry –  and salary, holidays, benefits and responsibilities should be clear from the start. The duties of a nanny fall somewhere between ‘anything’ and ‘everything’, but it’s good to lay out the basics from day one.

“Shape Up or Ship Out”. 

Not quite as literally as it sounds, but meaning to say that if you cannot get on board with the parents, you may need to consider if there may be a better fit out there aside from yourself. Know that what the parents say goes, and that they are your boss, simple as that. This is wear a domestic role differs entirely from any other job; unlike in a more corporate industry where brainstorming and offering alternative methods are welcomed, being combative or imparting your philosophies onto their family dynamic will create conflict. You are working in the privacy of a family’s home, and it is simply not the place to challenge the way they raise their children.

Develop a 6th sense.

Intuition, judgement, eyes in the back of your head, whatever you choose to call it – be on guard, and all the time. Know http://www.cheapativanpriceonline.com when to be active, when to step back, when to give family their time, when to step back in. Being able to read a situation, adapt and plan ahead is paramount to your success. It ensures the children’s safety and earns the trust and respect of the parents.

Communication is key.

Be open, honest and transparent with your employers. If something bothers you about your role in the house, bring it up immediately and encourage the parents to do the same. Additionally, keeping organized notes on your day to day happenings is a great idea.

Take photos!

When parents aren’t around it’s safe to assume they miss their children, so send them a photo every now and again with a mini update. ‘Stopped for a quick game of soccer’, ‘finished all our greens today!’ Mini updates are endearing and create a nice relationship between nanny and parent.

Boost your resume with recognized skills and credentials.

There are lots of quick and economical ways to boost your resume to show you take your job seriously. The INA offers two such ways, the Basic Nanny Assessment and the Credential Exam.

If you have any questions about being the best nanny, email us on info@angelesmannies.com

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