Los Angeles Nannies

nanny background check why use a nanny agency angeles mannies

Why should I use an agency?

‘Why use an agency?’ this is a question that gets easier and easier to answer with every day, but for those of you I haven’t had the pleasure of speaking with directly, here are the reasons why I think Angeles Mannies really helps and cares for its families.

You Don’t Know What You’re Looking for

You know you need an extra pair of hands, you can’t be at work, pick up the kids, get them to ballet AND basketball AND have dinner ready for 6. You also know you need someone between 2-7pm during the week and maybe on weekends…. what are you missing? After you’ve exhausted all the online resources showing you what your new nanny should and shouldn’t do, with a few questions you could ask them at interview, when it gets down to the nitty gritty, you still feel a little lost.

A nanny agency is the smart choice, you get a much more personal approach with professionals that have made this their life’s work. You work very closely with a placement specialist who really gets to know you and your family dynamic, often speaking with nannies you’ve had in the past to get a much greater picture of what it is you are after and what is important.

You Don’t Have Time to Search Yourself –  

nanny background check why use a nanny agency angeles manniesEverybody is time poor these days. Like life isn’t hard enough without having to add another task onto your ever growing list. Putting the ‘feelers’ out there for a nanny often ends with stacks of applications and resumes, scheduling interviews, chasing no-shows, rearranging because you forgot that dentist appointment, calling references, leaving messages, remembering which reference was calling about which candidate!! Enter nanny agencies. As experts in this field, they are the gate-keepers that handle every headache you could potentially run into, and you can relax safe in the knowledge that when they send you a resume, it has been filtered so many times that the candidate will specifically meet the needs of your family. The nanny agencies will be overwhelmed so you don’t have to! 



nanny background check why use a nanny agency angeles mannies

You Want a Nanny Who Has Been Trained

There are no national government standards for the childcare placement industry (yet), and nannies aren’t required to have any formal training. But it’s a nice add-on. Nanny agencies ensure that your new nanny has all the qualifications they say they have through credential verification checks. All reputable agencies will ensure that every nanny at the very least have a current CPR/First Aid Certification, along with a background in childcare and be educated to college level. Nannies also hold certifications in safety, child development and understanding important milestones. the International Nanny Association has a credentialed test that your potential caregiver can take to ensure their knowledge is current.




You Want Someone Who Has Been Screened Extra Thoroughly-
nanny background check why use a nanny agency angeles mannies

Whenever you bring someone new into your home, the safety of your family is paramount. Nanny agencies have connections with professional background check services that have access to all national databases. Agencies will also take it a step further by personally interviewing everybody they send to you, along with calling each of their references and checking their employment timeline. In California, we also have Trustline, a legal requirement for all agencies when placed a caregiver. This added level of reassurance has access to criminal databases that the majority of background check services cannot access.


You Need Help Understanding Your Role as an Employer

Hiring a nanny is very different to asking your besties daughter to hang for a few hours while you catch a movie, you are officially their legal employer and need to start thinking about things like state labor laws, unemployment and overtime. If you pay your nanny or sitter over $1800 a year, you’re also responsible for paying employment taxes. When you start to add in benefits, such as paid days off and insurance, you need to align yourself with somebody who knows what they’re talking about.

Nanny agencies quickly make-ties with domestic employer specialists that are able to prepare returns and even handle payroll. Nanny agencies can also talk you through how to employ your nanny.

Replacement Policies!

Once you go through all the trouble of finding a nanny, there is always the possibility that she won’t work out. If you go through the hiring process on your own, you have to start over again at square one. If you use a nanny agency, that’s not necessarily the case. Enter your insurance policy. Most agencies have a ‘replacement period’ to cover you against anything that may happen between you and your new nanny. Agencies stand by their placements and replacement policies are seldom used, but it’s always reassuring to know that it’s there, just incase.

The points above (and more) are available through Angeles Mannies, please contact us today to see how we can help you find the perfect caregiver for your family

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