Los Angeles Nannies

Rota Jobs 101

Rota Nanny

You’ve probably seen the occasional job posting for ROTA positions or have met a nanny at the park who says they work ROTA. But what does ROTA entail, and how does it work? 

What is a ROTA nanny?

A ROTA nanny is essentially a live-in nanny on steroids, often working 24 hours a day for 7 days a week. ROTA positions are essential for extremely busy parents who work long hours with often unpredictable schedules needing childcare accommodation at a moment’s notice. ROTA positions should not be taken lightly as nannies will essentially assume the role of parents during their time on the clock.


ROTA is short for rotational. Nannies who work ROTA positions usually are on the clock for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for up to two weeks at a time. This is where the rotation comes in, parents usually have at least two nannies to rotate between, ensuring constant care for their children. A nanny will then have two weeks off, at which point a second nanny will assume their time on duty, rotating typically on a biweekly basis, or whatever the needs of the family are. While nannies have unlimited flexibility with what they do with their time while off the clock, it’s difficult for nannies to have responsibilities outside of their nanny children during their two weeks on, and changing up the schedule on a whim is usually not acceptable. 


While no nannying position is a walk in the park, ROTA nannies face additional challenges. For two weeks at a time, a ROTA nanny assumes all of the childcare responsibilities. Transportation, discipline, meal prep, hygiene routines, bedtime and morning rituals, tutoring, and scheduling. A ROTA nanny must communicate with the additional nannies to ensure seamless care for the children. During their two weeks on, nannies will often not have much time for breaks unless the children are in school.

Why work ROTA?

While ROTA jobs have their challenges, they also have their perks. ROTA is great for nannies who want to travel or enjoy having longer breaks. Nannies who are extremely passionate about childcare will thrive in a ROTA position, nurturing more deep connections with the children than a typical 40-hour workweek. Because of the intensive 24 hour days, ROTA positions typically offer higher salaries with benefit packages.

How to be a successful ROTA nanny

While two weeks off at a time may sound like the best thing ever, it’s important to consider what life will be like during your two weeks on. ROTA nannies have to be excellent at remaining balanced and grounded, ensuring that their emotions or mood levels do not interfere with the care of the children. A ROTA nanny’s best skill will be the connection they have with the children. ROTA nannies need to have excellent organizational and communication skills making sure that nothing falls through the cracks between their care, the other nanny’s care, and the parents.

While ROTA positions are challenging, they are also extremely fulfilling. If you are a nanny interested in your next ROTA opportunity, reach out to us!

The first step to managing the burn out is to identify it and recognize it for what it is. Burnout can look like many different things, but the general symptoms are:

“Burning out as a nanny is a common affair and is not something to be ashamed of or to stress out about even further, but it also shouldn’t be the new normal.”

Burn out is generally accepted as occurring when a nanny doesn’t have enough time for themselves to recharge, decompress and de-stress in-between shifts. This type of burn out is temporary and can be relieved simply by relaxing over the weekend or taking quality time for oneself. For more chronic burnout, however, there are many factors that can add up. Nannies who are at risk for burn out are:

  • Nannies who have a sense of personal responsibility. This type of burn out is especially present in nannies who do more emotional care giving, usually for children with special needs or in homes where there is turmoil or neglect.
  • Nannies who are not being paid enough. If one’s needs aren’t being met financially, it can be very difficult to be present for the job that is supposed to be paying your rent and feeding you.
  • Nannies who work without boundaries. If a nanny is without a work agreement and their role in unclear, they may end up being asked to take on additional roles outside of care giving.
  • Nannies who work long hours without time to recharge in-between shifts.

What can I do?

Many nannies work long hours and become emotionally invested in order to provide children with the proper care that they need and deserve, and to scale back on that care would be against their beliefs and be damaging for the child. So, as a nanny, how can you take care of yourself and the child?

Engage in Self Care

Self care is a major buzzword these days, but it looks different for everyone. Self care can be manipulated into marketing schemes, so it’s important to recognize what acts are actually beneficial to your rejuvenation between stressful care giving shifts. Shopping as self care may be good for some people, but if the cause of your burn out is due to financial stressors, it probably won’t do you any good. Self care is whatever you need to do to shake off the day. Exercise is a proven method of de-stressing and releasing endorphins, the chemicals in your brain that are responsible for happiness. Exercising every day also helps you manage stress and deal with whatever is coming up for you. Taking a bath, reading a good book, watching a movie or engaging in a creative activity are also wonderful ways of engaging in self care for nannies.

Practice Mindfulness

Change your perspective while you’re at work. Instead of focusing on the negatives, “I’m not being paid enough for this”, “I am giving so much to this family”, or “I’m not getting enough help” think about all of the positives that are present, like “I am making a wonderful connection and a difference in this child’s life” and “I am capable and strong and can handle any adversity that is thrown at me.” Many caregivers get disheartened when their work goes unnoticed. Often, it is those types of families that the work is needed most. 
Visualize the fact that connecting with and nurturing their child is making a huge impact in their life. Think about how doing the laundry or cleaning the kitchen is creating a safe environment for the child. Changing the way you look at your role can have a huge impact on your mental health and your burn out. Take control of your days by engaging the child in fun activities that are also fun for you. Have a dance party, make a silly craft or just get a change of scenery. If it makes you smile, it will also make the child smile.

Draw Clear Boundaries

It is ideal for all nannies to have a close connection with their charges and with their families, but that closeness can often lead to feelings of guilt and obligation. If you are asked to do something you know will tire you out or leave you cranky and irritable, it’s okay to say no. Your job as a caregiver first and foremost is to care for the child, and anything that impedes on your ability to do so is outside of your job description and therefore not your responsibility. If you set expectations with the family, they can understand what you need and how better to allow you to assist the family.

Reach Out

If burnout is not managed, it can lead to more severe mental illnesses. Ask for help if you are having symptoms of depression or anxiety that you can’t manage yourself. Nannies are hard workers and often work alone, but there is no shame in asking for help when it is needed. If you are getting the help that you need in order to do your job correctly, then all parties benefit. Tell your nanny family that you are having difficulties performing, and have an open and honest conversation about how you can work together to make things better.

Accept Your Situation

Burning out as a nanny is a common affair and is not something to be ashamed of or to stress out about even further, but it also shouldn’t be the new normal. Once you accept that you are burned out, you can start taking steps to make your work-life balance healthy again.
If you are a nanny experiencing burn out, reach out to us! We can offer a number of solutions from drafting nanny work agreements to advice on how to set boundaries. Remember that you are not alone, all caregivers have felt this way at one point, but there is no reason that you need to continue feeling stressed.

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